Professional qualification

What is it? The professional qualification can be demonstrated by obtaining an independent third party certification that assesses the skills, skills and knowledge in a specific professional function or activity….

What is it?

The professional qualification can be demonstrated by obtaining an independent third party certification that assesses the skills, skills and knowledge in a specific professional function or activity.

To whom is this addressed?

Professionals who do not have specific qualifications in their professional activity want to demonstrate their qualification to third parties.

Benefits into the market

Provide evidence for a third part independent of the competences, skills and knowledge of the person.

Benefits with customers

Demonstrate the skills of professionals and that they are up to date with the new regulations, regulations and techniques.

Benefits for the organization’s management

It improves selection processes and ensures the skills of staff and promotes continuous training in the discipline as the qualifications have to be renewed periodically.

At ICDQ, we acknowledge the distinctive nature of every organization, characterised by unique needs and objectives. In light of this understanding, our commitment is to furnish customised and scalable certification solutions precisely tailored to your requirements. Whether your scope is local or global, we stand ready to accompany you throughout your journey. Irrespective of the challenges you may encounter, our adaptability is dedicated to meeting your specific needs. We invite you to engage in a discussion about your requirements today.