ICDQ participates in the XII ACES Journey

On June 13th, ICDQ attended the XII ACES Journey focused on patient experience as the axis of changes in the healthcare sector.

Healthcare organizations aim primarily to provide value and offer solutions to their clients’ health problems. In response to this demand, the emotional factor comes into play regarding how patients feel when they receive care in hospitals or clinics, where their most accurate assessment is based on their experience.

During this event, Enric Nebot (Director of Expansion and Sales at ICDQ Group) presented the patient experience certification from ACES (Catalan Association of Health Entities). This is a powerful transformation tool that ensures improvements in healthcare provision, enhances patients’ quality of life, and aids in improving organizational efficiency.

experiencia del paciente, experiencia del pacient,  patient experience, aces

A patient who feels well cared for will have a much more effective healing process and treatment adherence, and moreover, will naturally become an advocate for other patients.

The implementation of these types of programs promotes an organizational culture that places the patient at the center of the process and has a positive impact on outcomes, not only in medical terms but also economically and in terms of reputation.

At ICDQ, we advocate for putting patients at the heart of any strategic decision. We are individuals serving individuals, helping not only to understand what they want but also to take steps to adapt to the real needs of the organization.