Product certification means that an accredited body verifies and guarantees in writing that products comply with the quality standards set by the regulations. This benefits both companies and consumers, as it directly and positively affects the purchasing decision process. Companies can demonstrate that their products are of high quality, while consumers feel more confident in choosing certified products that meet their needs.

In order to obtain product certification, companies must undergo various evaluations by the Technical Committee of a competent Certification Body, which acts independently and objectively as ICDQ. It is essential that anybody issuing this type of certification is officially accredited by the National Accreditation Body (ENAC).

What are their benefits?

It is an internationally recognized certification, which represents a great opportunity to expand globally. Given the increasingly globalized nature of the market, this is an aspect that should not be overlooked.

Companies gain the trust of both consumers and intermediaries in today’s essential supply chain.

It minimizes errors and reduces the production of defective goods because companies must undergo comprehensive assessments of their operations, such as analysis of strengths and weaknesses, as well as internal audits.

In addition to the benefits already mentioned, certified products will enjoy the same validity in other European countries as in their own national territory. In this framework, Article 11 of Regulation 765/2008, which regulates accreditation in Europe, recognizes the accreditation certificates issued by the national bodies of each EU Member State.


In order for a company to be competitive, stand out from its competitors and reach the next level, it is essential to have a competent company to guide and advise you effectively throughout the process. If you are looking for more details on how to obtain product certification and the steps involved, ICDQ has a team of highly qualified experts to help you.