ISO 50001 – Energy Management

What is it? The energy management system is the part of the management system of an organization dedicated to develop and implement its energetic policy and manage those activities, products…

What is it?
The energy management system is the part of the management system of an organization dedicated to develop and implement its energetic policy and manage those activities, products or services items which interacts with energy usage. The standard ISO 50001 establishes those requirements that should have an energetic management system with a view to improve continuously the organization’s energy efficiency.

To whom is this addressed?
The energy management certification service is addressed to those companies wishing to prove that have implemented an energy management system, making greater use of renewable or surplus energy and that have standardized its energietic processes looking for its coherence with the organization’s energetic policy.
The energetic management system certification ensures the systematic control and pursuit of the energetic aspects and the continuously improvement of the energy performance. This contributes to a sustainable and efficient use of energy, providing confidence in the management system.

Energetic and environmental benefits
• The optimization of energy use.
• The energy efficiency promotion in the organizations.
• The CO2 gas emission to the atmosphere decreasing.
• The environmental impact reduction.
• The appropriate use of natural resources.
• The fostering of alternative and renewable energies.

Benefits for the organization
• An image of commitment with sustainable energy development.
• An active commitment with climate change.
• The fulfilment of law and official regulations.

Socio-economic benefits
• It minimizes the climate change impact.
• It saves on the energetic bill.
• It minimazes of external energetic dependence.

It allows integration with other standards as well as audit them together for optimize the certification process.

At ICDQ, we acknowledge the distinctive nature of every organization, characterised by unique needs and objectives. In light of this understanding, our commitment is to furnish customised and scalable certification solutions precisely tailored to your requirements. Whether your scope is local or global, we stand ready to accompany you throughout your journey. Irrespective of the challenges you may encounter, our adaptability is dedicated to meeting your specific needs. We invite you to engage in a discussion about your requirements today.